Who We Are
The Napa High School Instrumental Music (NHSIM) Boosters proudly provides the financial and volunteer support needed to allow the programs, including Band, Orchestra and Color Guard, grow and thrive. The Boosters include parents, family and friends plus community supporters.
The Boosters raise the money for almost everything the NHSIM program needs including instruments, equipment, uniforms, transportation, coaches, substitute teachers and more. Also, we provide chaperones and drivers to ensure the attendance and safety of the students at football games, parades, competitions, local school visits and Tour.
As we all know, school funds are very limited for performing arts. In fact, the district pays only for Mr. Riendeau’s salary and a small amount for sheet music and instrument repair. Everything else is paid for by the NHSIM Boosters.
How You Can Help Now as a NHSIM Student Family!
In order to continue ensuring that every NHSIM student has the best experience that band, orchestra, color guard, jazz band, drumline and guitar can possibly provide, we expect the following:
BINGO: Each NHSIM family commits to working ONE (1) Saturday per year at BINGO. Did you know that BINGO raises nearly 70% of the needed funds for the Boosters annual budget? This fun community supported game is held year round so contact bingo.scheduler@napahighband.org to schedule a Saturday. Most shifts start at 3:30pm. No previous experience required! Onsite training will be provided by our friendly team.
Also, we ask the following of each NHSIM family:
SUSTAINMENT: Each NHSIM family financially contribute just a portion of the annual student support provided by the Boosters each year. It's easy! Just click here to make your contribution.

Our current Booster Board includes:
President president@napahighband.org, Maureen Theunissen
Vice President vicepresident@napahighband.org, Lauren Daley
Secretary secretary@napahighband.org, Brad Fisher
Treasurer treasurer@napahighband.org, Maria Cantera
Bingo Director bingo@napahighband.org, Denise Parks
Bingo Scheduler bingo.scheduler@napahighband.org, OPEN
Webmaster tech@napahighband.org, Art Ochoa
Marketing and Social Media marketing@napahighband.org, Tammy Smith
NHSIM Office Manager nhsimofficemanager@gmail.com
Dine and Donate, JoLyn Setian
Volunteer Coordinator & Popcorn Sales, JoLyn Setian
Fundraiser Coordinator, JoLyn Setian
Uniform Coordinator, Jackie Shikowitz
Color Guard Rep. Maria Cantera
Orchestra Rep, Kelly Deianni
Jazz Band Rep, Lauren Daley
During the school year, you are encouraged to join our monthly Boosters meeting held every 2nd Wednesday, 7:00pm, in Music Room C7 or Zoom here.
Booster Board minutes can be found here.

Support NHSIM!
Supporting an active and busy program like NHSIM takes A LOT of work, but the job is easy when shared by everyone.
And while the Boosters work hard to raise the funds needed, there are many non-financial ways you can help too. Fundraisers need to be organized and staffed, and events like football games and parades need chaperones and volunteers to make sure everything runs smoothly and safely.
Here’s a partial list of what the Boosters do to support NHSIM:
Work BINGO or grab a group to play
Chaperone or sell popcorn at FOOTBALL GAMES
Organize food vendors and wineries for FESTIVAL
Ticket sales or stage crew at CONCERTS & PARADES & TOURS
Turkey sales or distribution
PGA Tour - Napa Golf Tournament staff
Booster Board member
Uniform maintenance
Want to help? It's easy! Just email volunteers@napahighband.org and let us know where you would like to volunteer.